Meta Robots Wordpress plugin

Simple way to manage meta robots tag in Wordpress

This plugin allows you to control robots meta tag and robots.txt file from the control panel.
PHP script parses commands from the metarobots.txt file and creates relevant meta robots tags.

MetaRobots rules listing:

CommandMETA ROBOTS valueComments
Disallow:"noindex, nofollow"Blocks content from crawling for the search engine.
Index:"index, nofollow"Allows crawling, forbids follow the links.
Follow:"noindex, follow"Forbids crawling, allows forbids follow the links.
Noarchiv:"noarchive"Do not show a link to the cached copy.
Nosnippet:"nosnippet"Do not create a snippet.
Noodp:"noodp"Do not use the description from DMOZ for snippet.
Notranslate:"notranslate"Do not offer page translation.
Noimageindex:"noimageindex"Do not crawl the image on the page.

Download Wordpress Meta Robots Plugin


Meta Robots Wordpress plugin

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